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Tea Info

  • Sayama Tea and Flower Festival

    Shop Here for 2015 Shincha Tea Sayama Shincha Festival Have you decided on your plans for the Golden Week? On April 29th (昭和の日 Showa no hi, Showa Day), please come...

  • Language lesson: Ocha means tea in Japanese, but…

    A little language lesson: “Ocha” or お茶 means literally “tea” in Japanese, but specifically refers to Japanese tea, which is by default Japanese green tea. Since sencha is the most...

  • Matcha Sakura Bread Recipe

    Recipe by Reiko Taichi Servings: 8 round breads Ingredients (Bread dough) 200g Bread Flour 10g Tapioca flour(can be omitted) 5g Matcha powder (This recipe uses Obubu Tea #21: Gokou Matcha)...

  • Kettle Brewing

    Certain teas are best when brewed in a kettle, that boiling the water with the leaves inside. This is the difference we make between the word “steeping” and “brewing”. We...

  • Different recipes for your favorite tea

    In most of the people’s life, tea is the first thing that they want to have in the morning to awaken their senses and to feel rejuvenated. Some like it...

  • How to brew Batabatacha

    BUY BanchaBatabatacha Here is a quick brewing technique for batabatacha. Please adjust water and tea leaves amount to your taste. *Usually a kettle is used for brewing but we didn’t...

  • Japanese Tea Nutrition Chart -

    Japanese Tea Nutrition Chart

    A translation of official government nutritional values for Japanese teas and others including gyokuro, matcha, sencha, kamairicha, bancha, houjicha, genmaicha, oolong tea, black tea.